Friday, January 12, 2007

Favorite Panel Friday: Agents of Awesome

If that panel alone, with its dynamic artwork and compact-but-muscled writing, doesn't make you want to run out and read Agents of Atlas #6 ... seriously, I don't know what to do for you.

As I mentioned in a previous post (um, right under this one), Agents of Atlas is Marvel getting something right. The writing from Jeff Parker has been pitch-perfect from the beginning, supported well by Leonard Kirk's clean, expressive art, as well as subtly effective inking and coloring.

Aaaand ... that's about all that can be said without spoiling a clever and elegantly pulled off final issue of what has been a tight limited-series. Get out there and read it for yourselves - I promise you won't be disappointed.

Agents of Atlas #6: Writer, Jeff Parker; artist, Leonard Kirk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was an issue behind on Agents of Atlas but after your post mentioning it I read the last two issues and was also very pleased. =) It's been an awesome series.