This post contains details on the second episode
of Who Wants To Be A Superhero?
of Who Wants To Be A Superhero?
Man, can I call 'em or what? OK, maybe not so much, so let's say goodbye to Mindset, who pretty much a-holed himself right out of Who Wants To Be A Superhero? this week.

(Quick aside: How perfect was Bee Sting? Totally perfect. I demand more Bee Sting!)
So, every time a word was misspelled, Bee Sting would release more bees into the boxes (I remember hearing "Ten zousand bees!" at one point), and since they were all words with "be" somewhere in the word the heroes had to purposely misspell the words to include "bee." Makes sense, right?
It made sense to everyone except Mindset, apparently. After they figured out Bee Stings' game, Mindset still insisted on spelling a word without the extra "e," causing more bees to enter their box; his team eventually lost and Bee Sting even taunted them by saying they "might've duhn better if not for zeh bahld one." Ouch! Speaking of ouch, the heroes were actually being stung, something Stan Lee brought up later during the elimination process.

Oh, and earlier he made Ms. Limelight cry, which was a little unnecessary but not unforgivable.
Based on his backstory and the overall look of his character, I thought Mindset had a chance. Now, I'm actually happy to see him go.
Current favorites: The Defuser, Whip-Snap, Basura
Hey, did I ever tell you I visited the rooftop where they filmed the first season of this?
Well, I did. It's in a crappy part of downtown L.A., full of warehouses and bums (that's a fun word "bums," I just realized that).
Ironically, they were shooting a video for a Penthouse Pet of the Year competition in the same warehouse. Little did they know they were besmirching the very building on who's rooftop Stan Lee's giant floating head rained down judgment 'pon weirdoes in spandex. I pondered this as I mooched chocolate chip cookies from the craft table. The girls were binging on carrot sticks so they didn't mind.
Then a car blew up one street over and all the pets freaked out. Man, you've never seen so much jiggling. I think they were filming a B movie action film over there. Possibly starring Lorenzo Lamas.
Exploding cars, naked chicks, and Stan Lee's monolithic head looking down above it all. Just another day in LA.
You never tells us anything, Tom! And you've been holding out - what the hell are you doing on the rooftop of a building full of Penthouse Pets?
Good to see you blogging again, though. :)
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